Welcome to “HelpNDoc Insights and Articles”, your dedicated hub for all things related to HelpNDoc, presented in thoughtful, in-depth articles. Here, we explore the breadth and depth of the software, shedding light on its features, offering tips and tricks, and providing insights on how to best leverage HelpNDoc to create compelling and comprehensive documentation. Our articles range from beginner’s guides and how-tos to expert advice and deep dives into advanced features. For those who prefer a more hands-on learning experience, we have a series of step-by-step guides available both as easy-to-follow text and engaging video content. Whether you’re a first-time user or an experienced documentation specialist, our goal is to empower you with knowledge and inspire you to make the most of HelpNDoc. Dive in to discover, learn, and enhance your understanding of this powerful tool.
HelpNDoc includes a very powerful template processor where you can customize any part of the generated documentation. Most of the time, you'll use the default template of the documentation format you'd like to customize as a starting point. But when a new version of HelpNDoc is released, the default template might have evolved with new features and fixes, and you might want to include those changes in your custom templates. The solution is to compare and merge the updated default template with your own one. Let's see one way to painlessly and reliably achieve this task
A standard help authoring tool such as HelpNDoc is a software where you generally write and organize content in order to produce documentation files for the end-user. As revisions are needed, the content needs to stay organized, and it usually involves a lot of laborious and error-prone tasks such as copying / pasting content all over the project, deleting content, moving and merging topics... Fortunately, HelpNDoc includes a powerful scripting processor which can help automate documentation creation, maintenance, reorganization... Let's see how we can leverage HelpNDoc's scripting capabilities to merge multiple children topics into a parent topic
HelpNDoc is a leading user-friendly help authoring software that was designed to make technical writing easier. Over the years, the software has undergone several different development phases to make it more user-friendly, and with improved features, not only for technical writers but for authors as well. Presently, HelpNDoc is well known for its several different user-friendly features. Notably for its ability to generate several different file formats from just one source file including cross platform Qt Help files, Web-based HTML 5 documentations, standard Windows CHM help files, printable PDF and Word documents, ePub and Kindle eBooks as well as iPhone specific websites. But there’s more! Here are five other key features of HelpNDoc that will make writing your next technical documentation easier;
Here’s a selection of some recent valuable resources we’ve shared on various social networks to make sure authors and technical writers stay ahead of the pack. To see more of our recent and future posts, you should consider following us to get notified: FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or Google+
HelpNDoc's amazing responsive HTML web-site generation process can be customized to add a logo, tailored CSS and JavaScript code, translated strings and more... let's see how easy and fast it is to produce truly customized HTML documentation web-site using HelpNDoc
Writing an online help file, a user manual, an eBook or any other format handled by HelpNDoc is usually lengthy ongoing and non-linear process. Oftentimes, as the content evolves, the overall topic hierarchy can become sub-optimal and a re-organization is required in order to make the documentation easier to read and navigate. Even though HelpNDoc provides tools to easily re-organize the table of contents, in some cases the process can be lengthy and error-prone, such as when an alphabetical sorting of topics is required. Thankfully, HelpNDoc includes scripts to automatically re-order topics by title. Let's see how rapidly and easily this can be done
Every year is a 365 blank-page book with a perfect opportunity for you to write what you want - eBooks, Help files, Manuals, User guides, and any other documentations. Regardless of what you want to write about, HelpNDoc will do all the hard work for you and simplify your entire writing task. As part of our efforts to make your work easier this year, we’ve compiled some of our recent social media posts for technical writers and authors and we are excited to share these posts with you like we did last year. To get notified on future posts, follow us on on social media: FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or Google+
When producing a help file, a user manual or an eBook, it is not only important to provide translations based on the targeted audience, but also to use the proper terms based on the readers' languages. Let's take the "colour" term as an example: "color" is the preferred spelling in American English while "colour" is preferred in all other main varieties of English. As a technical writer, supporting multiple language variants can lead to complications and extra work to make sure that the whole documentation is error-free. Thankfully, the HelpNDoc help authoring tool makes this task trivial and fast thanks to variable placeholders and its powerful build system
HelpNDoc includes a very powerful script editor with access to multiple API methods which provides a way to automate almost all parts of your documentation creation and maintenance process. We've already seen how to use HelpNDoc's scripting capabilities to automate help and documentation creation, update the path of your external media elements when they are moved and export Help IDs and Help Context numbers for your developers. Let's now see how we can create a handy script to automatically reset help context numbers for all topics in the documentation project
We’re always excited to share valuable resources from our social media posts with authors and technical writers. If you’ve missed any of our posts, this recap is a hub of our recent posts about tips and tricks for authors and technical writers to help them stay at the top of their games. To get notified on future posts, follow us on on social media: FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or Google+