Welcome to “HelpNDoc Updates & Highlights”, your one-stop source for the latest news, updates, and feature enhancements from the world of HelpNDoc. In our fast-paced digital world, HelpNDoc continually evolves to offer advanced, user-friendly, and efficient documentation solutions. This space is dedicated to bringing you the most recent developments straight from the HelpNDoc team. From software improvements to new functionality introductions, and insider tips to help you leverage these updates to their full potential, our aim is to keep you informed and adept in this changing landscape. For those who wish to delve deeper into each update, you can review a comprehensive, version-specific changelog. Stay tuned to learn, grow, and make the most of your HelpNDoc experience.

HelpNDoc v1.1 has been released

Categories: news

Following the success of HelpNDoc v1.0, we are glad to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc v1.1. This version introduces variables as well as improvements in various places

Introducing HelpNDoc v1.0

Categories: news

We are glad to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc, an extremely powerful yet simple HTML Help creator. Creating HTML Help file has never been easier using this fully WYSIWYG environment including table support, live spell checking and more... The best part is: HelpNDoc is completely FREE for personal use. Don't wait any longer

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