The following types can be used in scripts and templates:
A collection of elements, all of the same type, stored in a contiguous block of memory. Arrays are zero-indexed, meaning the first element is accessed with index 0. The size of an array is fixed upon creation.
- Dynamic array. E.g. var a: array of string;
- Static array. E.g. var a: array[0..9] of string;
- Add(item)
Add an item to a dynamic array
- Copy([index[, count]])
Creates a new array that holds a (shallow) copy of the items, there are three forms:
- Copy() - Copies the whole array
- Copy(index) - Copies all items starting from index
- Copy(index, count) - Copies count items starting from index
- Delete(index[, count])
Deletes one or more items from a dynamic array
- High
Returns the higher bound of an array
- Length
Returns the length of an array
- Low
Returns the lower bound of an array
- SetLength(length: Integer)
Resize a dynamic array
- Swap(index1, index2)
Swaps the items at the specified indexes
True or False When casting a Boolean as Integer, by convention True maps to 1, False maps to 0. When casting an Integer as Boolean, 0 maps to False, all other values map to True.
- ToString
Conversion to string
Double-precision floating point. 15 significant digits, exponent -308 to +308. Presence of a dot "." differentiates literals from an Integer.
- Normal. E.g. 948.4685
- Exponential. E.g. 9484685e23
- ToString
Conversion to string
64-bit signed integer. From -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
- Decimal. E.g. 948 ; -65190
- Hexadecimal. E.g. $1AF or 0x1AF
- Binary. E.g. 0b10011101
For formatting purposes, the underscore character "_" is accepted and ignored in Hexadecimal and Binary literals.
- ToString
Conversion to string
Mutable, copy-on-write, 1-based, UTF-16 string. Strings can be delimited by a single or a double-quote. In a single-quoted string, a single quote can be expressed by doubling it. In a double-quoted string, a double-quote can be expressed by doubling it. Double-quoted strings can span multiple lines.
Explicit Unicode characters can be specified by using # followed by an integer value (decimal or hexadecimal). Characters specified this way are always understood as Unicode value:
Will print 'Hello' followed by CR+LF (ASCII code 13 and 10), followed by 'World', it can also be defined with:
Print("Hello World");
See also: String related functions
- After(Delimiter: string): string
Returns characters after a delimiter
- Before(Delimiter: string): string
Returns characters before a delimiter
- Contains(SubString: string): Boolean
Returns true if the string contains the sub-string
- DeleteLeft(N: integer): string
Deletes N characters to the left
- DeleteRight(N: integer): string
Deletes N characters to the right
- Dupe(N: integer): string
Duplicate the string N times
- EndsWith(SubString: string): Boolean
Returns true if the string ends with the sub-string
- High
Index of last letter
- Left(N: integer): string
Return N characters to the left
- Low
Index of first letter
- LowerCase
Converts to ASCII lower case
- Length
Length of the string
- Reverse
Returns a version of the string with the characters reversed
- Right(N: integer): string
Return N characters to the right
- Split(Separator: string): array of string
Split a string on a separator and returns an array of strings
- StartsWith(SubString: string): Boolean
Returns true if the string starts with the sub-string
- ToBoolean
Converts to Boolean
- ToFloat
Converts to float
- ToFloatDef(DefaultValue: float)
Tries to convert to float, use DefaultValue if not possible
- ToInteger
Converts to integer
- ToIntegerDef(DefaultValue: integer)
Tries to convert to integer, use DefaultValue if not possible
- ToLower
Converts to lower case
- ToUpper
Converts to upper case
- Trim
Trim control characters left and right
- TrimLeft
Trim left control characters
- TrimRight
Trim right control characters
- UpperCase
Converts to ASCII upper case
Represents a date and time as a double-precision floating point value. The integer part represents the number of days since December 30, 1899, while the fractional part represents the time of day. The range allows representation of dates from January 1, 0001 to December 31, 9999.
Note: Alias of the Float type.
See also: Date/Time related functions