Warning: The following command line syntax is valid for HelpNDoc 5.3 and older only. Starting with HelpNDoc 5.4, a new command line syntax has been introduced which is not backward compatible.

HelpNDoc's command line options use the syntax "hnd5.exe [FileName] [Parameters]" where [FileName] is the optional HND file to be processed and the parameters are described bellow. When run using the command line parameters bellow, HelpNDoc won't show any user interface except for a DOS prompt window.

Command line help

At any time, use the "hnd5.exe /?" command line to get help on the various command line syntax and parameters.

Command line parameters

Command line examples

The following is a simple example of a possible use of the HelpNDoc's command line options:

> hnd5.exe myHelp.hnd /g

This translates to: generate the file "myHelp.hnd" according to the settings saved in that file.

> hnd5.exe myHelp.hnd /g /l=c:\log\hnd-log.txt

This translates to: generate the file "myHelp.hnd" according to the settings saved in that file and save the log to the file "c:\log\hnd-log.txt"

> hnd5.exe myHelp.hnd /g /b="Build chm documentation";"Build pdf documentation" /vMyVariable=MyValue

This translates to: generate the file "myHelp.hnd" by using the builds named "Build chm documentation" and "Build pdf documentation" and modify or declare the variable "MyVariable" with the value "MyValue".

License key management

The following commands are available from the command line to manage your license.

Command line option



Provides information about the activation of HelpNDoc on this computer. Example:

> c:\program files\ IBE Software\HelpNDoc 5\hnd5.exe /lic=info


Activates a new license key. Make sure the previous license key is deactivated first. Example:

> c:\program files\ IBE Software\HelpNDoc 5\hnd5.exe /lic=activate:ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP-QRST-UVWX-YZAB
Warning: This requires Internet access to the license servers. If you are behind a proxy, see how to set the proxy bellow.


De-activates the current license key. This makes it possible to move HelpNDoc's license key to another computer. Example:

> c:\program files\ IBE Software\HelpNDoc 5\hnd5.exe /lic=deactivate
Warning: The number of allowed de-activations is limited to 5 to limit abuses. If you need more deactivations, please contact us with your license details.


If you've recently updated your license of HelpNDoc, it is possible that the license key is still not updated: using that command will connect to the license servers to retrieve the latest license details. Example:

> c:\program files\ IBE Software\HelpNDoc 5\hnd5.exe /lic=forcecheck
Warning: Make sure you are connected to the Internet to access the license servers.


By default, the license checker will use the proxy set up in Internet Explorer. If you need to customize the proxy, you can indicate the proxy address so that the activation process is able to correctly connect to the license servers. Once done, the proxy address is saved and restored each time the application is launched.

Proxy must be in the form "http://username:password@host:port/". Note: if the port is not specified, it will default to 1080.


> c:\program files\ IBE Software\HelpNDoc 5\hnd5.exe /lic=setproxy:http://username:password@

To reset the proxy, simply pass an empty value:

> c:\program files\ IBE Software\HelpNDoc 5\hnd5.exe /lic=setproxy:

NTLM Proxies: The license checker also support NTLM proxies on Windows. To use NTLM proxies you must also specify the domain. For example:

> c:\program files\ IBE Software\HelpNDoc 5\hnd5.exe /lic=setproxy:http://DOMAIN\username:password@

Warning: If setting the proxy doesn't work, try running HelpNDoc as an administrator. If that still doesn't work, try using the following command line from HelpNDoc's installation directory instead:

> TurboActivate.exe --proxy="http://username:password@host:port/"