The HelpNDoc's ribbon tabs are located at the top of the main window and provide all the features available within HelpNDoc in a categorized fashion. The ribbon tabs parts are:
- The main tabs - They are always visible and are used for the most important actions
- The tabs groups - When a tab is selected, it will display actions grouped by similar purpose
- Contextual tabs - Those tabs are only shown when needed. For example, the "Picture Tools" tab is only visible when a picture is selected
The Home tab
This tab provides access to the basic actions:
- Generate the documentation and change the project options
- Manage the table of contents and topic properties
- Manage the keywords hierarchy and association
- Manage the library and import library items
The Write tab
This tab gives access to actions needed to manage and format the topic editor's content:
- Copy and paste text
- Manage font and paragraph properties
- Use and manage styles
- Find and replace content throughout the project
The Insert tab
This tab provides access to inserting and importing actions:
- Insert a picture, movie, document, HTML code, variable, snippets...
- Insert a table, symbol, horizontal line, page break, condition...
- Insert or Edit hyperlinks and anchors
The Tools tab
Access to various tools to manage HelpNDoc or the currently opened project:
- Transform text
- Syntax highlighter
- Edit and run scripts
- Vacuum the project
- Template Editor
- Launch the integrated web server