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Liste des modifications de la dernière version
Version – Date de sortie: 24 févr. 2025
- New build assets: each build may include multiple file assets, either external or stored within the project, which will be exported to the build's output directory
- Default table settings can now be saved and automatically applied to all new tables created within the project
- Script editor now supports multiple caret editing: use the ALT keyboard shortcut to select multiple items and start typing to update them all at once
- Middle mouse panning support in script editor: middle scroll wheel click activates panning which scrolls the editor based on mouse movements
- Greatly reduced the CTRL+SPACE auto-completion delays when inserting hyperlinks to topics in large projects
- Improved selection speed of topics in hyperlink editor for large projects
- It was still possible to create transparent text content in topic editor, snippet editor, and template editor
- When deleting a build, some items were not properly deleted such as build actions, assets, library overrides, status, styles and tags associations
- Improved speed and reliability of JSON, INI/TOML and Python syntax highlighters
- HndEditor.GetAnchorList method is a lot faster for editor with large content
- Topic statistics remained visible and outdated even when no projects were open
- It was possible to select a spelling dictionary even when no projects were open
- Faster rendering of various vector-based user interface elements resulting in snappier forms and overall application rendering
- Improved file open and save dialogs by removing unexpected errors
- Windows now display the standard Snap Layout popup when the mouse is hovering over the maximize button of their title bar