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Liste des modifications de la dernière version

Version – Date de sortie: 9 janv. 2025

  • Added ability to print individual topics
  • Added ability to export individual topics to Word or Markdown files
  • Added native JSON support to HelpNDoc's scripting, template, and dynamic content library item for advanced customization and automation
  • New training material project starter kit: comprehensive framework for organizing, delivering, and assessing training programs
  • Resolved an issue where the application would crash on startup if a custom template sub-folder name included uppercase letters
  • Previous fixes for printing using the default HTML template didn't always work: they are now fixed with improved printing for colors, backgrounds and overall styling
  • Default HTML template now uses an external JavaScript file to init topics for improved CSP (Content Security Policy) support
  • HTML generation using the default HTML template is now faster and produces smaller topic files
  • It was possible to change font and style settings when no topics were selected, which could sometimes cause exceptions
  • Improved PDF generation speed and reliability with better font glyph fallback
  • Clarified PDF generator's error message when a topic used very large font sizes or character spacing values
  • Improved Markdown generation speed when a topic is set up to import an external file
  • API method HndEditor.MoveCarretToEnd wasn't always working as expected
  • Improved speed and reliability of HND project files
  • Various fixes in dark mode user interface

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