Round-up of newest resources for technical writers: pick the right documentation format and more

Round-up of newest resources for technical writers: pick the right documentation format and more
Categories: articles

We frequently post various resources to notify authors and technical writers about relevant news, articles, tips and tricks... to be as effective as possible at their daily jobs. Here is a selection of some recent resources we posted to various social networks. You should consider following us to get notified about future posts at: FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or Google+

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Produce cross-platform Qt Help documentation with HelpNDoc 4.9

Produce cross-platform Qt Help documentation with HelpNDoc 4.9
Categories: news

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 4.9 which can be downloaded completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes. HelpNDoc 4.9 provides many new features and enhancements including the ability to generate cross-platform Qt Help documentation files. Read on to learn more or download your free version of HelpNDoc now

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Learning how to use HelpNDoc: where should you start ?

Learning how to use HelpNDoc: where should you start ?
Categories: articles

Even though the HelpNDoc help authoring tool has been engineered to be extremely easy to use, some help might be required to get started using it or understand advanced functionalities. Fortunately, there are many resources available in various formats to easily and quickly grasp concepts and features available in HelpNDoc. Let's review them

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Amazingly fast insertion of hyperlinks and library items in HelpNDoc 4.8

Amazingly fast insertion of hyperlinks and library items in HelpNDoc 4.8
Categories: news

We are glad to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 4.8 which is available completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes. HelpNDoc 4.8 provides many new features and enhancements including a new keyboard shortcuts to insert hyperlinks and library items at an amazing speed, the possibility to override variables for each build and much more. Read on to learn more of download your free version of HelpNDoc now

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Easily update the path of your external media elements when they are moved

Easily update the path of your external media elements when they are moved
Categories: articles

You can choose how your library items (pictures, movies, documents...) are handled by HelpNDoc: they can be included within your project, or they can be dynamically included at generation time, when you choose to build your final documentation files. Using the second option, you provide a path for your media items so that HelpNDoc can find and include them when needed. This is very useful to be able to handle those items from outside of HelpNDoc, share them with a third party software... However, a problem might occur if those items need to be moved on your hard drive or networked path: to make sure HelpNDoc can still find your media elements, you'll need to manually update all of them one by one. As this can be a very long, tedious and error-prone task, this is great use case for HelpNDoc's powerful script editor. Let's see how we can leverage it to quickly update the whole library in a few seconds

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New template editor for HTML based documentation in HelpNDoc 4.7

New template editor for HTML based documentation in HelpNDoc 4.7
Categories: news

We are glad to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 4.7 which is available completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes. HelpNDoc 4.7 includes a greatly enhanced template editor which can now be used to easily and rapidly create and customize templates for every documentation formats handled by HelpNDoc. Read on to learn more or download your free version now

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