The HelpNDoc API is based on the Pascal programming language. The following list describes the methods available via the HelpNDoc API. As an example for the ClearDictionaries method, it can be used as follows: HndDictionaries.ClearDictionaries();

List of objects

Global types

Var HndUtils

Various utility methods

Type THndBuildInfo

Information about a specific build

Type THndBuildInfoArray

Array of THndBuildInfo

Var HndBuilds

Properties and methods for Builds.

Var HndBuildsEx

Additional properties and methods for Builds.

Type THndBuildActionInstanceInfo

Information about a specific build action

Type THndBuildActionInstanceInfoArray

List of build action info

Var HndBuildsActions

Handle pre- and post- build actions

Type PHndBuildLibraryOverrideInfo

Pointer to THndBuildLibraryOverrideInfo

Type THndBuildLibraryOverrideInfo

Information about a specific build library override

Type THndBuildLibraryOverrideInfoArray

Array of THndBuildLibraryOverrideInfo

Var HndBuildsLibraryOverrides

API functions to manage library overrides for individual builds

Var HndBuildsMeta

Access to builds meta data

Var HndBuildsMetaEx

Additional methods related to builds meta data

Var HndBuildsStatus

Handle relationship between builds and statuses

Var HndBuildsStatusEx

Additional methods to handle relationship between builds and statuses

Type THndBuildStyleInfo

Type THndBuildStyleInfoArray

Var HndBuildsStyles

Handle overridden styles for each builds

Var HndBuildsTags

Handle relationship between builds and tags

Var HndBuildsTagsEx

Additional methods to handle relationship between builds and tags

Type THndDictionaryInfo

Information about a specific dictionary

Type THndDictionaryInfoArray

Array of THndDictionaryInfo

Var HndDictionaries

Manage dictionaries and live spell check

Type THndCaretMovement

Caret movement

Type THndVAlign

Vertical alignment of a picture

Type THndHVAlignment

Table cell alignment

Type THndHyperlinkKind

Kind of hyperlink

Type THndHyperlinkInfo

Information about a hyperlink

Var HndEditor

Create and manage a topic editor

Var HndEditorHelper

Additional methods to manage a topic editor

Type THndGeneratorInfo

Information and actions over the current generation

Var HndJsSearchEngine

Methods to manage the JavaScript search engine

Type THndKeywordsAttachMode

Specify how the moved keyword will be attached: - hkamAdd: Adds a node at the same level as the existing node. - hkamAddChild: Adds a child node to the existing node.

Type THndKeywordsInfo

Minimal keyword information. Used by the THndKeywordsInfoArray

Type THndKeywordsInfoArray

Array of minimal keyword information

Var HndKeywords

Properties and methods for keywords

Var HndKeywordsEx

Additional properties and methods for Keywords

Var HndKeywordsMeta

Access to topics meta data

Type THndLibraryItemAttachMode

Specify how the moved library item will be attached: - hlamAdd: Adds a node at the same level as the existing node and makes the new node last. - hlamAddFirst: Adds a node at the same level as the existing node and makes the new node first. - hlamAddChild: Adds a child node to the existing node and makes the new node last. - hlamAddChildFirst: Adds a child node to the existing node and makes the new node first. - hlamInsert: Inserts a node at the same level just before the existing node.

Type THndLibraryItemsInfo

Minimal library item information. Used by the THndLibraryItemsInfoArray

Type THndLibraryItemsInfoArray

Array of minimal library item information

Var HndLibraryItems

Properties and methods for library items

Var HndLibraryItemsEx

Additional properties and methods for library items

Var HndLibraryItemsMeta

Access to library items meta data

Type THndProjectSettings

Various project settings

Var HndProjects

Properties and methods for projects

Var HndProjectsEx

Additional properties and methods for projects.

Type THndProjectDateTimeFormat

Date and Time format for a project

Var HndProjectsMeta

Access to project meta data

Var HndProjectsMetaEx

Additional methods to access project meta data

Var HndSecrets

Properties and methods for Secrets

Type THndStatusInfo

Information about a specific status

Type THndStatusInfoArray

Array of THndStatusInfo

Var HndStatus

Properties and methods for Statuses

Var HndTags

Properties and methods for Tags

Var HndTemplates

Properties and methods for Templates

Var HndTemplatesEx

Additional properties and methods for Templates

Type THndTopicsAttachMode

Specify how the moved topic will be attached: - htamAdd: Adds a node at the same level as the existing node and makes the new node last. - htamAddFirst: Adds a node at the same level as the existing node and makes the new node first. - htamAddChild: Adds a child node to the existing node and makes the new node last. - htamAddChildFirst: Adds a child node to the existing node and makes the new node first. - htamInsert: Inserts a node at the same level just before the existing node.

Var HndTopics

Create, edit and manage topics within the current project.

Var HndTopicsEx

Additional properties and methods for Topics

Var HndTopicsKeywords

Handle relationship between topics and keywords

Var HndTopicsKeywordsEx

Additional properties and methods to handle relationship between topics and keywords

Var HndTopicsMeta

Access to topics meta data

Type THndTopicsPropertyInfo

Information about a specific property

Type THndTopicsPropertyInfoArray

Array of THndTopicsPropertyInfo

Var HndTopicsProperties

Handle relationship between topics and properties

Var HndTopicsTags

Handle relationship between topics and tags

Type TUIControlType

Reference to a specific UI control: uiMainForm, uiTreeToc, uiTreeKeywords, uiTreeLibrary, uiTopicEditor

Type THndSelectedExecMethod

Method run for each selected node. Return True to break the loop: function(aSelectedId: string): Boolean;

Var HndUI

Methods and properties of HelpNDoc's user interface.